Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Now I'm determined not to be that person who dresses my dog in clothes, but OMG there were these really cute "party collars" at the pet store and I thought that would be sort of a concession to doggie costumes at Halloween. I bought a variety of Halloween ribbon and attached pieces to another ribbon which would of course lie jauntily around her neck and be so cute when the trick or treaters came to the door that they'd have to oooh and ahhh. Oh and I was going to wrap her leash with tiny pumpkin lights.

Reality worked out slightly differently. First of all the lights never happened and she was soooooo wiggly I couldn't hold her and the (heavy) candy bowl. Not to mention that the kids were only interested in the candy and how cute they were that they couldn't appreciate the adorability of my puppy. I soon gave up on the whole door thing and managed to get her to sit still for a nano second for a picture. If she could roll her eyes at me I'm sure she would have. Did you notice the slightly askew "party collar?"

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