Saturday, September 25, 2010

Trail Blazing and Duck Hunting

Guinness is very good about staying close to us while we hike. We discovered a nice easy trail in Moonridge and she got to explore along with us. There was plenty of shade for her. She will run from shady spot to shady spot if we are hiking when it's warm out.

We also took a walk along Juniper Point in Big Bear last weekend. Since it was almost sunset there was no one around so we took the leash off to let Guinness run a bit. She loved it and got to smell everything along the trail. On the way back she spotted some ducks minding their own business. She got that look in her eye. I told my siginicant other to put her back on the leash - mostly because I knew she'd get all muddy. The ducks were in no danger. My request was vetoed and Guinness got to plunge into the lake, looking slightly disappointed when the ducks, in a very leisurely manner, swam just a little further out.

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