Guinness has never encountered deep snow. Thursday morning we were able to get in the back yard and she was up to her neck in snow. She likes the snow but hates her snowsuit so I let her play. I must say it was fun to watch her trying to figure out what the white stuff was. She usually goes nose first and that didn't change in the snow.

She helped me dig out after the storms, and much preferred to be running free without the much hated snow suit.
Hi There!
Our Wheaten, Finnegan (who was almost named Guinness because he walked crocked when he was a pup) absolutely LOVES the snow. We live in New England so he is in it all the time. He gets those little snow ballie thingies also. My husband always takes them out from between his toes (foot pads) when he comes in from playing. The deeper the snow the better as far as he is concerned! Even if we are just getting a dusting at our home on Cape Cod he still manages to roll around in it as if he was is a foot of the stuff. Are they just not the BEST doggies ever?
Wheatens are always puppy-like, she always makes us laugh. Have you ever used booties.Her feet get cold. She'd hate them though.
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