Saturday, October 1, 2011


We had a real scare last month. One dayI noticed that Guinness was not her usually perky inquisitive self. She stopped eating and just lay there looking sad. Her ears felt a little hot so straight to the vet we went. He confirmed that she had a slight fever, prescribed antibiotics and gave her a shot  for possible dehydration. She was very interested in the KFC we stopped to get and seemed better after the visit. The vet didn't know what was wrong with her. She perked up the next day. One day she perked up, the next day she was down again.

She was so pathetic after the next weekend. She just lay in the laundry room on a pile of towels. We didn't have the heart to take them out from under her to wash them. Nothing we gave her would tempt her to eat. You could tell she wanted to when she went up the the bowl of special rice and chicken. We took her back in. I had noticed that she was gagging and asked the vet to look down her throat. She had to stay for the day and be sedated for them to run their tests. When he called he reported tonsillitis! He said that there are some people that don't believe dogs get tonsillitis but he had the proof right in front of him. I made her chicken mush in the cuisinart and put it on the back of ther throat so she would take one of her small pills. I even made her home made Frosty Paws with plain yogurt and peanut butter -made in my ice cream maker. Hey, I got icecream when I had tonsillitis. After a round of cat (we didn't tell her) antibiotics squirted down her throat  because she wouldn't eat, steriods, and another two types of antibiotics she is bouncing again. It's good to have the perky puppy back.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know dogs could get tonsillitis. I think the doggy ice cream is a good idea. We should all have some kind of ice cream when tonsillitis is involved.


James said...

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