Saturday, May 10, 2008

My Quest

I have seen the other dog blogs. They have wonderful photos of cuddly puppies all dewey eyed with fluffy fur. The only pictures I seem to be able to get of Guinness are blurred or else she is scroungy looking.

I tried once again when the morning was fresh and the hills were covered with mustard flowers. It's easy to be full of optimism in that weather. The scenery was nice but there's more scenery than puppy here:

It's a bit hard to handle a lunging pupppy (even though she's getting much better with her obedience training) and a camera.

The stickey monkey flower picture did not come out great and I had about given up and was heading toward the car when she posed on a rock next to a nice patch of PPFs.

The next day I tried again. She actually sat still in the shade for one shot.

I tried to get a shot of her in some yellow flowers. Not likely. A family was getting into their car nearby and felt sorry for me offering me their help.

I was determined to get her amongst some poppies while they were blooming and had spotted a patch nearby. By the time I had finished the walk it was getting a bit warm. Although it looks like she's sweltering she was carried into the poppies for the final photo op. I actually like this picture even though you can see the decorative fence in back - nothing a little Photoshopping can't eventually fix.

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